2637- Marie vs. Gabby


2637- Marie vs. Gabby

SKU: 2638 Category: Tags: , ,


Gabby was hurt so bad that Destiny told her to forefit the matchh and wait another day but Gabby wasn’t going to give up she was determined to be the champ. Marie was all mouthy and told them both that she was going to keep the belt and that her and Diana were going to rule MLOW and the SWF and there wasnt anything that was going to stop them. The moment the match started Marie was dominating the match because Sierra was so hurt. Marie was hitting her with multiple standing dropkicks, super kicks, closelines, punches, forearms, choking, snapmares and really working her neck over but there is a twist to this one and it gets out of control you have to see what happens next and who all is involved.


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