1506-Sierra Rose Vs. Morgan


1506-Sierra Rose Vs. Morgan

SKU: 1506 Category: Tags: , ,


Sierra Rose making her debut at MLOW and she is cute and sassy and Morgan teased her saying what an easy match this would be bragging to Destiny !! Destiny knew this wasn’t going to be as easy as Morgan thought and boy oh boy was Destiny right!!! Sierra Rose is a little spitfire wow she totally proved herself in this match she wasn’t a bit scared of Morgan!! The moves in this match were: Lockup, Gut shots in the turnbuckle, Waist locks, Arm bars, Hammer locks, Head lock, Head lock take overs, Head scissors, The Bridge, Forearms, Knees to the gut, Snap mares, Kicks to the back, Shoulder blockS, leeper hold and so much more this was action packed!!!!